Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

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Today, let’s take a look at some of the best Medium Hand Armours that you can possibly find in the game right now.

In New World, there are different Armour pieces that you can collect which are further categorized into three (3) various types – Light, Medium, Heavy.

By now, it should already be clear that Equipment Load plays a big role in determining your overall combat effectiveness, and Medium Armour plays the perfect balance between combat manoeuvrability and protective stats.

If you are wondering about the best Medium Hand Armours in the game, we have that covered for you down below:

1. Voidbent Grips (Tier V, Legendary)

Gear Score: 600
Elemental Armour Rating: 152
Physical Armour Rating: 152
o+25 Dexterity
o1 Empty Gem Slot
o+3% Chance of obtaining Rare Items from Chests and Monsters
oWeaken, Disease, Exhaust, and Rend expire 5% faster
oCritical Hits deal 5% less damage to you

2. Fearless Spy’s Gloves (Tier V, Legendary)

Gear Score: 600
Elemental Armour Rating: 130
Physical Armour Rating: 174
o+10 Constitution
o+15 Dexterity
o1 Empty Gem Slot
oReduces max cooldowns by 3%
o+5% Damage Absorption against Corrupted
o+14 Corruption Resistance

3. Highwayman’s Riding Gloves (Tier V, Legendary)

Gear Score: 600
Elemental Armour Rating: 130
Physical Armour Rating: 174
o+10 Constitution
o+15 Dexterity
o1 Empty Gem Slot
oReduces max cooldowns by 3%
o+5% Damage Absorption against Ancient Guardians
oSlow, Stun, and Silence expire 5% faster

4. Harbinger of Destruction (Tier V, Legendary)

Gear Score: 600
Elemental Armour Rating: 130
Physical Armour Rating: 174
o+25 Dexterity
o1 Empty Gem Slot
oReduces max cooldowns by 3%
oWeaken, Disease, Exhaust, and Rend expire 5% faster
o+5% Damage Absorption against Angry Earth

5. Ghoulskin Gloves (Tier V, Epic)

Gear Score: 550
Elemental Armour Rating: 117
Physical Armour Rating: 157
o+9 Constitution
o+13 Dexterity
o1 Empty Gem Slot
o+5% Damage Absorption against Lost
oReduces max cooldowns by 3%

These selections of Medium Hand Armour provide tremendous value to ensure your general survivability while also being battle-ready to face end-game content in New World.

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